Saturday, May 18, 2024

Uncle Bozo

When I was a young toddler in 1942, my uncle Ambrose whom we called Uncle Bozo flew over the moon in an Air Force Fighter Plane.  From the moon, he bombed Adolf Hitler's bunker, forcing him to hide out in the Pacific islands where cannibals lived and hunted.  Adolf Hitler escaped and swam to a submarine, where he made it back to Germany.  My bigly brave Uncle Bozo bravely flew back from the moon, and got radioed to "bomb the dirty little japs" in the Pacific.  The dirty little tRumper Tojo Japs were capturing and eating the Chinese, making chop suey out of them.

Post authored by The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Patriotic Joseph Robbinit Biden (The Smartest Leader Of The World Ever). WYL 007

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